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المقالة التالية نشرت يوم 2 نوفمبر 2004م على الهواء مباشرة

في موقع مجلة (الحقيقة الكاملة) الأوروبية:

The following article was published on November 2, 2004

on the European online magazine (the whole truth) -

< the original article >


Les religions chrétiennes et hébraïques seraient-elles des perversions de la religion originelle de l'Egypte ancienne ?

Un chercheur egyptien Ossama Alsaadawi, dénonce la mauvaise interprétation et traduction des hiéroglyphes et ce, depuis Champollion.
Pour comprendre, quelques petits rappels sont necessaires, je vous les livre en vrac :

Les coptes d'Egypte sont parmis les plus anciens chrétiens. Le mot "copte" est l'abréviation du grec "Aigyptos", terme formé sur le mot "Het-Ka-Ptah", la maison du Ka (où l'âme) de Ptah. Il désigne les chrétiens égyptiens et leur liturgie ainsi que celle des chrétiens éthiopiens. Autre définition : vient du grec aeguptios qui signifie égyptien.

La Bible hébraïque nomme 600 fois l'Egypte et 270 fois Pharaon. Et le Décalogue commence par préciser que YHWH a fait sortir son peuple du pays d'Egypte, la maison de l'esclavage. Et l'on ressent dans toute la Bible un peuple traumatisé par ses origines lointaines.

Du fait que la culture égyptienne est bien plus ancienne que la culture hébraïque, on lui attribue évidemment, et pas forcément à tort, un certain nombre d'antécédents. Par exemple l'importance du sacrifice, la circoncision, le baptême, l'organisation et le rôle du temple etc. Mais en fait, on pourra lui attribuer bien plus encore, vous le verrez dans la suite de cet article.

Pour bien comprendre le cheminement de pensée d'Ossama Alsaadawi, il faut également se rappeler que la langue arabe parlée et écrite en Egypte est de l'arabe pur appelé également arabe littéraire. Et Ossama Alsaadawi d'expliquer :

La langue égyptienne Parlée :
AE: Lire Ancienne Egypte

1A = si nous suivons à la trace les graphèmes AE, ou les signes Hiéroglyphiques écrits, nous constatons qu'ils étaient extrêmement stables depuis les temps pré dynastiques lointains jusqu'à l'année 390 ap J.-C.. Cela signifie simplement que la langue d'AE  est restée stable pendant cette longue période de temps.

1B = le Copte Egyptien  a empêché  la Langue égyptienne parlée d'être perdue pendant la période de 330 av. J.-C jusqu'ici, en insistant pour préserver leurs noms d'AE et la langue parlée quotidienne, comme :

3aziz - Ghali - Nakhlah - Mo7ib - Samir - Monir - Gameel - Magdi - Sam3an - Fawzi - H'ilmi - Khaleel - Bushra - Labeeb - Wahba - Shakir - Milaad - Amin - Ghlalib - Farag - H'abeeb, etc.

Cela signifie simplement que :

La langue Egyptienne parlée n'a pas changé depuis les lointains temps pré dynastiques à nos jours. La langue parlée égyptienne a gagné beaucoup de mots étrangers mais son coeur principal n'a pas changé.

1C = la langue parlée arabe est seulement une partie de large langue parlée égyptienne. N'importe quel Egyptien peut facilement compter des centaines des mots égyptiens qui n'ont aucun équivalent dans l'arabe classique. C'est ce que nous appelons la langue égyptienne 'familière' ou '3ammiyyah'. 

Voici un exemple :

Des peuples égyptiens utilisent un mot de négation quotidien qui n'a aucun équivalent dans l'arabe classique, c'est (sh) ou (ma .. sh).

Par exemple :

Le mot (rou7 / rouH) qui signifie (va) n'a aucun équivalent dans l'arabe classique.
Les Egyptiens disent (ma - tro7-sh) = (matroHsh), Qui signifie (n'allez pas).

Vous ne trouverez jamais le mot (troHsh) ou (matroHsh) dans l'arabe classique!!

Il y a des centaines de tels mots introuvables dans l'arabe classique. 

Je vous passe les travaux techniques de déchiffrement proprement dits effectués par Ossama Alsaadawi. Vous trouverez aisément ces informations dans ses livres ou sur son site:

Voici quelques exemples de graphèmes avec la traduction d'Alsaadawi et la traduction "officielle":




Vraie valeur phonétique de ce signe [S34] de cravate = Lm
Ils l'ont à tort déchiffré 'à 3ankh'!!


S-Lm = slm = silm

Vraie valeur phonétique de ce signe = salam = paix

Faulkner, Dictionnaire de Moyen p.214 égyptien.
Il l'a traduit : ' perpétuez le nom '!!


Vraie valeur phonétique de ce lion couché seigneur le signe [E23] = rb
Ils l'ont à tort déchiffré à '
rw, L '!!


Vraie valeur phonétique de ce signe [C3] de Noah = Hw
Ils l'ont à tort déchiffré à '
DHwti, tHoth, Thoth '!!

Nb + na

Vraie valeur phonétique de ce signe [S5] = nb + na
Ils l'ont à tort déchiffré
à 'skhmty'!!, ' la couronne double de l'Egypte Supérieure et Inférieure '!!

Exemple :
Nabi = Prophète
Nabil = noble


Vraie valeur phonétique de ce reniflement de nez (Eg. niff) le signe [C6] = nf
Ils l'ont à tort déchiffré à '
inpw!! d'Anubis


Vraie valeur phonétique de ce signe [F4] 'aga' = ga
Ils l'ont à tort déchiffré 'au Chapeau'!!


Vraie valeur phonétique de ce signe [I15] en zigzag de serpent = za
Ils l'ont à tort déchiffré à '
Hfaw, Ddft '!!

Exemples :
Zanb = péché, Hafizan = protecteur, Zaalim = oppresseur, 3azaab = torture, etc


Vraie valeur phonétique de ce signe [A53] se levant = qm
Ils l'ont à tort déchiffré à '
wi, twt, qi, la statue, la maman, etc '!!


Vraie valeur phonétique de ce signe [V9] d'anneau = rn
Ils l'ont à tort déchiffré
à 'shnw'!!

Les graphèmes ci-dessus, ne représentent vraiment qu'une toute petite partie du travail de traduction d'Ossama Alsaadawi, mais la suite est encore plus interessante !

La suite, la voici, accrochez-vous !


3a-rb = 3arab = Arabe!!
Wallis Budge
EHD p.112a


Dieu AE 'Osiris' est en fait le Vrai Prophète égyptien Antique 'l'Israël'.
sr-r2 = isra2il = l'Israël!!

Wallis Budge
EHD p.83a, traduit : ' … Dieu égyptien dynastique … '!!


Dieu AE 'Thoth' est en fait le Vrai Prophète égyptien Antique 'NwH' ou 'Noah'.
/ Noah = Noé


Dieu AE 'PtaH' est en fait le Vrai Prophète égyptien Antique 'Ibrahim' ou 'Abraham'.


Dieu AE 'ImHotep' est en fait le Vrai Prophète égyptien Antique 'Mwsa' ou 'Moïse'.


Le Vrai Prophète égyptien Antique et le Roi David (dawwd)


Le Vrai Prophète égyptien Antique et le Roi Solomon (Solaiyman)


La déesse AE 'Isis' est en fait le Vrai Egyptien Antique devinent Maryam ou 'Mari'.

Et pour finir:

almasieHu 3isa

 = the Christ Jesus

Quelques autres traductions en images :

Pour avoir votre nom en hiéroglyphe : < names >

A suivre...



الرسالة الهامة التالية أذيعت على الهواء يوم 12 فبراير 2005 م على صفحة الرسائل الخاصة بالدكتور أسامة السعداوي:

The following message was posted on the message board of Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi:

< Message Board >


On 2/12/2005 10:21:15 AM wrote:

Dear Sir, I just had today another confirmation of your linguistic and religious theories that are FACTS. In a radio interview (in French), the Egyptologist of France for the past 50 yrs, Mme Christiane Desroches Noblecourt in her latest book "le Fabuleux Heritage de l'Egypte", ed SW-Telemaque [ISBN 2-7533-0009-7], 309 pages, November 2004 (you can go to (France), admitted that:

1- what all egyptologists KNOW but refuse to recognize publicly - that that Judaism and Christian faiths BOTH stem from the Ancient Egyptian religion.

2- that there are NO thousands of Egyptian divinities but just ONE GOD and that these so-called divinities are QUALITIES describing the unique one.

3- as she is now 91 yrs old she can tell the truth without any "bad consequences"... And yet in my city (Montreal) there is presently an exposition about Egyptian treasures and its numerous Egyptian Gods, I might add that numerous JEWS are denouncing the present day Jewish religion as having its root in Babylon rituals and hence not the real religion of God both that of Moloch (devil).

I do encourage you to contact the webmaster of this site the Jeff Rense program is close to #1 on the Net and talks about a variety of subjects - political, esoteric, religious, Egyptology, etc .. I am sure you would make a most interesting guest and your works would get a much wider coverage. Also via this website your books could be made more accessible to a larger public... Finally I do hope that you will be able to do a sort of "web-log" and maybe an e-mail newsletter so that people can contribute to your research and make it more mainstream...

In regards to your interpretation of the AE language you are right as I found out to my dismay that many serious errors in deciphering simple words like for gold are KNOWN to egyptologists yet they keep on repeating the mistaken translations over and over again for the sake of continuity and "not to rock the boat".. Yours, ...




الرسالة الهامة التالية أذيعت على الهواء يوم 17 فبراير 2005 م على لوحة راديو رينس للمناقشات:

The following article was published on February 17, 2005

on Rense Radio Forum

< the original message >

from ryb2005 , registered member:

Ancient Egypt - Astounding Revelation

On Feb 15th there was a public announcement of great importance yet it passed unnoticed in the mainstream media

Note- I am not a scholar nor do I have a vested interest or financial one with the groups/people whose links I am providing nor am I of Arabic origin nor have an hidden agenda. I am NOT an islamist, Christian , Jew, atheist, etc..

So this DISCOVERY, what was it and why and how ?

1- Then HOW - egyptologists are basing their researches on the comprehension of hieroglyphic texts and artifacts..

Yet consider this:

A- the hieroglyphs used are mostly texts written on monuments, funeral tombs, etc..

- Isn't strange to base one's comprehension of a language by deciphering tombstones ? And then trying to apply it to everyday life speech ? Just try learning a language that way !

- These scholars have created artificial divisions like Old Egyptian, Classical Egyptian, Late Egyptian..

- They base their works on Champollion's deciphering of the Rosetta stone yet he MADE grave mistakes. These blunders have been recognized (in their specialized journals, essays, etc..) YET these same scholars keep on repeating these wrong translations over and over maybe as to "not rock the boat"..

- It was discovered and admitted this past November 2004 that ARAB SCHOLARS had deciphered Ancient Egyptian centuries before Champollion yet the main press is rather silent..

- 95 of all textbooks to learn "Egyptian" is on "Classical Egyptian" which interpretation is FLAWED..

- Also 99% of these scholars do not give a hoot about the correct pronunciation of the text- yet all the VOWELS ARE KNOWN AND THEY STILL REFUSE TO USE THEM - THEY USE AN ARTIFICIAL FABRICATED SYSTEM LIKE PUTTING AN "E" IN LIEU OF ANY VOWELS..

- And Egyptian language did remain CONSTANT for over 4000 yrs ;it did NOT evolve into new languages like the Romance languages (French, Spanish, etc..) evolved from Latin..

B- Hundreds of common words (even proverbs, myths, etc,,) of Ancient Egyptian are still in use today,.

These words are found in the COLLOQUIAL SPOKEN MODERN EGYPTIAN (not the written literary/.classical Arabic used in the print media). More so that many common expressions in Egypt are unheard off in other "Arab countries"

2- Then WHY- well this rediscovery is very unsettling for:

A- It proves that the faith of the Jews, Christian and Muslim have ONE COMMON ORIGIN.

B- Contrary to popular beliefs and majority of egyptologists the ancient Egyptian religion was a DEIST religion meaning that they believed in ONE GOD, the HOLY SPIRIT and the AFTERLIFE..

All these divinities were simply different aspects/qualities of the same GOD (a sort of comparison like our 'saints"/holy men /prophets in the Muslim, Christian and Jewish faiths.

C- the people of Ancient Egypt did NOT VANISH. They are simply the "so-called Arabs" of Egypt..
The Copts who claim to descend from the builders of the pyramids (ancient egyptians) are descendants from settlers / invaders that came from Greece and then later from Roman empire..

So much that a Copt resembles a South European (Spanish, Italian, etc..)

Yes there were intermarriage but it never became a melting pot.. like in the US..

3- Then WHAT-

A- Ancient Egyptian has not evolved like Latin did so it is why a new approach reading the hieroglyphs is rather logical and not more unknown signs ,obscure passages, etc..

B- For the past several years there has been a RENEWED interest in Ancient Egypt by the Egyptian themselves so it is no more the thing of the British and other European scholars..

C- an international egyptologist has recognized that indeed in the Ancient Egypt there was the belief only ONE GOD and that all the /writing about the hundreds of Egyptian gods..

D- On Feb 15th it was announced that the gigantic statue (head) of RAMSES-2 was in fact the statue of the EGYPTIAN PROPHET MOSES..

4- Here are the links to find out more:


and click on
 < item #11 of subjects >  

- (France)

search for the book called "Le fabuleux heritage de l'Egypte " par Christiane Desroches Noblecourt,ed. SW-Telemaque,ed 25/11/2004, ISBN 2-7533-0009-7,309 pages, 24.50 Euros taxes shipping..

This person is now 91 yrs old and was the 1st woman egyptologist for the past 50 yrs, in charge of EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES at MUSEE DU LOUVRE, FRANCE..

and also

for the uncanny relation between LATVIAN and ANCIENT EGYPTIAN

(my post and response I got from the author); also the links to book by this illustrious egyptologist admitting that only ONE GOD in Ancient Egypt..





الرسالة التالية أذيعت على الهواء يوم 20 مايو 2003م على صفحة الرسائل الخاصة بالدكتور أسامة السعداوي:

The following message was posted on the message board of Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi:

< Message Board >


On 5/20/2003 12:30:16 PM wrote:

Dear Dr. Alsaadawi,

My name is Vladislav, I live in Russia, and I am teaching history in the institute.

I am and my students are interesting very much about your works on hieroglyphs.

But we have lack of books about this. May be you can tell me, how to get your books on English, or maybe just a copies?

Please, contact me, if it's possible.

Thank you very much. Vladislav Kalashnikov, PhD




The following message was posted on the message board of Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi:

< Message Board >


On 12/4/2002 1:29:44 PM wrote:

First of all I feel I have to thank you for enlightening the field of Egyptology with your research. More people like you are needed to decipher the worlds heritage. Secondly, my interest in the field of Egyptology is just getting started, so as such, I do not possess much knowledge except for my common sense. Now to my question... Since I have not been successful in locating any homepage on the internet that lists the names of all the months and days of the week in the AEL, I was wondering if you would do the honors (preferably with the pronunciation in English as well as the Egyptian hieroglyphs). May be you could incorporate it into your already existing page of the "Ancient Egyptian Calendar System". I find the similarities between the Mayan and the Egyptian calendar system interesting. / Roger Fylling (Sweden)

< Calendar >




The following message was posted on the message board of Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi:

< Message Board >


On 2/16/2005 1:40:21 AM, Dr Magda Shebait wrote:

Nous avons été honorés qu'il a présenté quelques grandes conférences à notre association de la Langue égyptienne Ancienne et de la Civilisation UNE. Il nous a avec gentillesse offert une copie de ses notes personnelles dont l'histoire brève suivante a été abrégée. années, dans un grand article appelé comme 'Nouveau Champollion de l'Egypte' sur la 'Dernière Heure' le magazine égyptien étendu distribué après la Corporation de Presse de Nouvelles égyptienne 'Akhbar'. Voici un abrègement de cette histoire intéressante :

L'histoire d'une grande découverte :

L'Egypte était toujours le terrain d'histoires mystérieuses anciennes éternelles, aventures et révélations. Voici l'histoire d'une découverte égyptienne unique magnifique, stupéfiante et excitante. Beaucoup de grands hommes de partout dans le monde passé, le long des siècles prolongés, au terrain de l'Egypte et aux grandes conclusions archéologiques faites qui ont éclairci et ont guidé les gens de notre globe truculent à une civilisation ancienne glorieuse ont appelé la Civilisation égyptienne Ancienne. Pourtant, avec toutes ces conclusions immenses personne ne pourrait dévoiler les lectures réelles et les traductions des textes Hiéroglyphiques égyptiens Anciens vastes et étendus comme ceux des Textes de Pyramide, la Pierre de Palermo, Rosetta Stone, les Textes de Papyrus, les textes de Peinture murale, les Textes de Haut lieu, les Textes de Cercueil, les Textes d'Obélisque, etc. Il y avait beaucoup d'essais fidèles et a dévoué des efforts de lire et traduire les hiéroglyphes égyptiens, mais, malheureusement, la plupart d'entre eux ont dégénéré et ont mené les gens aux histoires extrêmement fausses de la Civilisation égyptienne Ancienne et de l'Histoire égyptienne Ancienne!

Notre homme est né dans la ville alexandrine d'Egypte. En étant attentif depuis que il était un enfant dans le jardin d'enfants qu'il a soulevé vite à travers de plus hauts niveaux d'éducation. À l'école préparatoire il aimait écrire des noms de ses amis dans les hiéroglyphes égyptiens dans la lumière de théorie traditionnelle de Champollion. Il a continué à apprendre des hiéroglyphes comme un hobby depuis, mais seulement avec les signes courts simples.

Depuis que 1966 où il était un cadet cadet dans le Collège Technique Militaire MTC de Caire, Ossama Alsaadawi a gagné un fort motif et un besoin persistant de commencer à lire les Hiéroglyphes égyptiens. Il a assisté à quelques classes locales officielles et populaires à Caire qui enseignent la Langue égyptienne Ancienne en ce temps-là, ensemble avec son étude de soi étendue. Après quelques années, il a essayé de lire quelques textes Hiéroglyphiques, mais il a tout à fait échoué!

De ses notes personnelles à main levée qui ont été écrites dans plus de 40 grands carnets chacun de 150 papiers nous avons extrait l'histoire de cette découverte.

En année 1991 il a décidé de recommencer un nouveau travail de recherche frais basé sur les principes scientifiques réels. Il a collectionné beaucoup de cartouches Hiéroglyphiques et a commencé à les lire dans la lumière de théorie traditionnelle de Champollion et essayer d'exprimer des paroles de leurs noms en mettant ensuite les hiéroglyphes correspondants par écrit dans quelques tables de comparaison ensemble avec la table du phonème. Après qu'autrefois il a remarqué que ces noms n'incluent aucun de deux phonèmes égyptiens très importants qui sont, (L) et (Z) phonations. Quand il a rendu en arrière à la table Champollion il ne les a jamais trouvés! C'était une conclusion réelle par laquelle il a été très stupéfié et impressionné. Immédiatement il a commencé à les chercher. C'était relativement facile pour lui de trouver (L) grapheme perdus parce qu'il ressemble à la lettre (L) à quelques lignes de langue modernes comme l'anglais, les langues hébraïques et arabes. Tous incluent la lettre (L) représenté presque la même voie que l'égyptien (L) 'corde' grapheme [V13]! En année 1992 il a déclaré cette conclusion importante sur une émission de télévision locale, mais il n'était pas assez pour le faire lire des textes hiéroglyphiques correctement, pendant ce temps les gens n'étaient pas attentifs à qu'il disait!

La continuation avec sa recherche suivie et persistant travaille il a bientôt dévoilé le deuxième a perdu le phonème (Z) et a constaté que c'est 'le lézard' à zigzags grapheme [I9], connu dans l'égyptologie traditionnelle comme la 'vipère à cornes' sous le groupe 'de reptiles' et qui a été mal déchiffré au phonème (f). En remplaçant les (L) corrects et (Z) les phonèmes dans quelques mots hiéroglyphiques égyptiens et en exécutant des comparaisons linguales denses il a découvert la troisième faute fondamentale. Il a correctement redéchiffré 'l'orifice' carré grapheme [Q3] pour lire vraiment comme (F) le phonème, pendant que Champollion l'a mal déchiffré (à p)! Admirablement, il n'y a AUCUN son (p) dans toutes les sortes de dialectes égyptiens locaux et de discours!

En commençant à partir de l'année 1994, Ossama Alsaadawi a commencé à lire 'correctement' quelques mots hiéroglyphiques égyptiens Anciens simples, mais il a été fortement époustouflé quand il s'est rendu compte que ces mots vocalisent exactement comme quelques mots égyptiens parlés modernes. Il a chuchoté à lui : 'qui sur la terre me croira si je leur ai dit' ?!

Mais il a continué. Dans le court temps, il a déchiffré correctement encore deux phonèmes fondamentaux, qui sont (y) et les phonèmes (th) représentés par les signes hiéroglyphiques [N23] et [Z2A]. Alors il a lu plus de mots égyptiens correctement. Alors en année 1995 il est sorti le groupe de phonème limité au large groupe phonétique complexe de hiéroglyphes qui est composé de presque 1000 graphemes hiéroglyphiques fondamentaux. Les phonèmes nouveaux correctement déchiffrés ont permis Ossama Alsaadawi au déchiffrement correct du grand nombre de Hiéroglyphes égyptiens vagues et mystérieux qui ont été mal lus dans l'égyptologie traditionnelle. En 1996 il a réussi pour déchiffrer correctement beaucoup de hiéroglyphes du groupe complexe.

En 1997 la Langue égyptienne Ancienne a ouvert ses portes largement à Ossama Alsaadawi

En 1998 il a commencé à construire les bases concrètes de sa théorie linguale historique et un avril 1999 il a déclaré sa théorie dans le monde entier et a commencé des discussions linguales en ligne denses avec les savants d'allover le monde. Il a posté plus de 8 mille de messages sur le web et a exécuté des centaines de discussions. Il a conçu et a publié trois sites Web sur le Filet et a publié localement beaucoup de livres et notes de la Langue égyptienne Ancienne et a présenté des dizaines de conférences allover l'Egypte.

Ossama Alsaadawi dit qu'il devrait exprimer son respect profond, gratitude et appréciation à tous les égyptologues grands et hautement respectés et aux linguistes Hiéroglyphiques égyptiens qui ont passé des efforts sincères immenses essayant de déchiffrer le langage écrit le plus ardu et complexe dans l'histoire d'humanité. Un script qui est né aux ères passées immémoriales a alors continué depuis de longs milliers des années et a arrêté depuis plus de 17 siècles depuis l'année 390AD. Il a courageusement reconnu que sans les travaux dévoués de ces scientifiques honnêtes sa théorie n'aurait pas été l'organisation ou aurait porté. Il croit aussi que ces grands savants sont des amants d'Egypte fidèles reels

Dr Magda Shebait, Association d'Imhotep, Heliopolis - Caire

< read this message in English >  



الرسالة التالية أذيعت على الهواء يوم 18 فبراير 2005م على صفحة الرسائل الخاصة بالدكتور أسامة السعداوي:

The following message was posted on the message board of Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi:

< Message Board >


On 2/18/2005 10:02:53 PM wrote:

Hello Dr. Alsaadawi, I’m very impressed with the information that you have provided in your website.

I truly believe that your theories will one day be proven accurate. Even on a pure logically way of looking at what you have discovered, your theories make a lot of sense.

Now, the one theory that I’m glad that you have discovered and that I’m very impressed with is the one in which you discovered that AE did not worship thousands of gods but just one god and that the rest of the bigger than life figures that conventional Egyptologist have interpreted as gods are in reality, apostles.

This is clearly the case is we look at the example of Imhotep (forgive me for not knowing his real name, I’m a newbie) because he was known to has existed as a living person in AE and even recognized by Greeks and Romans and he was elevated to an apostle’s status for his great contributions.

I’m very glad for having come across your website and I’m looking forward to purchasing your books. I hope that you get to translate them into English because I don’t know any Arabic.

Thanks very much. I enjoy your work very much. Keep them translations coming and please don’t get upset at the comments of some the English speaking folks. We are not all ignorant and some if not most of us love the work that you are doing.




The following message was posted on the message board of Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi:


On 3/3/2005 5:42:31 PM wrote:

Hello Mr. Alsaadawi, do you remember me? I had some few discussions with Mr. JD and others on the Guardian discussion board few years ago! I have been to Egypt for some little time sub-working in the project of 'Akhetaten' at Amarna. In fact I see that most of your findings about the Ancient Egyptian Language and other stuff of Egyptology are quite logic and reasonable. I believe it could initiate a new era of advanced research work in sciences of Egyptology.

I read once, on the Guardian discussion board, a quote from Mr. Jack Dean which states that your theory is established on broad knowledge and that it is quite coherent and having high internal consistency. He said also that your approach is not only sound but profound. After I carefully reviewed many of your statements and new translations, I believe now that he is quite right. Please, keep up the good work of yours.

H. S. Herbst




The following message was posted to Egyptology online Group:


The following important message has been posted online on Isis-Moon Club after the original Theory on the website of Ossama Alsaadawi,

I find it proper to include it here for the sake of good Egyptology.

Best Regards,
Ossama Alsaadawi


Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 19:32:07 -0000
From: "clubsmoderator"

Subject: NEWS ARTICLE: New theory of the building of the Great Pyramid

To travel from the USA to Egypt in just few hours is a real wonder, but using a Boeing 747 is a much more wonderful fact. Both are true wonders that no one can deny. However, when one arrives to Giza Plateau in Egypt and looks to the Great Pyramid of Khufu, he or she stands at once astounded, knowing that he or she is facing a real True Fact that dates back to immemorial ancient civilization. The mind is sparkled immediately by three questions: 1- When? 2- Why? 3- How?

Unfortunately and surprisingly, modern humans have failed to answer these three logic questions for more than 4000 bygone years. Even Herodot failed to answer it when he visited ancient Egypt in 430BC.
In this article, we'll try to shed light on the primary answer of the third question only, that is: How the Ancient Egyptian Great Pyramid of Khufu has been constructed?

There are remnants of nearly 80 pyramids that stand alongside the path of the river Nile in Egypt. Some of them are still in good condition but we are mainly interested in GP because it is the highest and most interesting one.

Knowledgeable archaeologists and Egyptologists explain that: The Main bulk of the GP is composed of 2.5 million stone blocks, each weighs 3 tons in average. This colossal mass of stone blocks is compiled in a pyramid-shaped construction with a maximum height of 146 m and base side-length of nearly 230-m. It stands on top of a plateau, or big rocky hill, the roof of which is raised 60m above the water level of the Nile, known as Giza Plateau.

Up to now there is no real problem. However, one little bit of technical data is really interesting. Architects assert that the King's Chamber (KC) only is roofed by 9 vast massive granite stone blocks, each weighing 75 tons. Egyptologists say that they are no more than 40 tons according to their rough estimations.
Archaeologists say that that each weighs 55 tons. KC is placed at a height of nearly 70m from the base of the GP or nearly 130m from the water level of the Nile.

Here, we reach the real problem of the GP construction, which is
summarized by the following very simple question: How could engineers of King Khufu raised-up 55 ton stone blocks to a height of 130 meters? To clarify this question in a better way, let's ask: How could modern humans raise a 55 ton truck up to the roof of a skyscraper, like the Empire State Building for instance, without using any kind of machinery or self-propellant engines?

Egyptologists answered this question by bringing forth the ramp-theory, which states that the ancient Egyptians raised up these 55 ton stone blocks by dragging them up a ramp with a slope of 6-8 degrees, made of dust or hard mud using no rollers but only manpower and some lubricants! Many people believed them but a few believe it to be impossible.

Why do they believe it impossible? Well, let simple mathematics speak: Work done = mass x gravity x height - that is - (W = m x g x h). Therefore, work done to raise up one 55 ton stone block is: W = 55000 kg x 10 x 130 = 71,500,000 joules (nearly 71 million joules). 1 horsepower = 750 joules/sec. Therefore, energy needed to raise up only ONE granite beam is equal to nearly 95 thousand horsepower/sec, or nearly a million manpower/sec, which is IMPOSSIBLE to attain by human force alone.

Then, what if we calculated the whole work done necessary to build up the whole Great Pyramid? Alsaadawi says that it is given simply as: Total work done = 0.22 x total mass x gravity x maximum height. So, total work done used to build the Great Pyramid is: 0.22 x 7.5 billion kgs x 10 x 146 > 2.4 Tera Joules. Therefore, calculations indicate that King Khufu needed billions of horsepower to realize this historic world wonder that has survived for long thousands of years!

Conclusion: No way with ramps and No way with manpower alone to build the GP. There must be some kind of external natural active-power to realize the job. The question now is; what was this active power? One new theory is that this active power was Water. That is, hydraulic force of successive inundation waters that was used within a highly organized state project to raise up the main massive stone bulk of the Great Pyramid within a big hydraulic complex, using ascending wells, leakage water tunnels, heavy wooden floats, boats, etc.

So, the question of how 5 ton stone blocks could be raised up to a height of 20 meters without using modern machinery or human labor, could be answered that it could be done by Hydraulic Lifts. If this new theory is true, Pharaoh Khufu used ascending wells, hydraulic lifts and hydraulic techniques for building his Great Pyramid, power = water mass / area of ascending well. This would be the golden hydraulic rule on which Khufu may have relied, to design very effective hydraulic lifts and to raise-up colossal heavy stones up to high altitudes. This leads to the assumption that nearly all pyramids and even mastabas were built using the same technique, that is Hydraulic Lifts.

Those people who agree with this modern theory also state that: If friction is ignored then the work done (energy spent) is m*g*h, no matter what path is taken by the mass; it is only the change is height that is important. This is a result of physics that applies to many different situations. Including the effect of friction can only increase the required amount of work, and now the path taken to raise the mass is important. The least work would be done by lifting the mass straight up (pushing the mass up a slope, even if it were on wheels, would take more energy). No matter what method of construction they used (ramps, pulleys, cranes, counter-weights or levers) this is the amount of energy that had to be spent by the workmen, if no other source of power was harnessed.

The granite beams would destroy these ramps, so these blocks may have been lifted by some other method. Inundation power would greatly simplify this, as the problem becomes a matter of buoyancy which invalidates the use of m*g*h. Furthermore, these granite beams had to have been lowered into position. Surely sliding them into position would pull the King's chamber apart.

Some people try to ignore all scientific and physical evidence to prove that their imaginary wrong assumptions are correct. They insist that a group of men is able to raise up a 50 ton granite block up a muddy ramp to a 50 meter height using only their hands and manpower. When we told them that physics and science proved that this is impossible, they said we'd prove it practically! They brought 1-ton stone block (using a truck) to the location and used about 20 men to drag the stone up a very small pre-prepared ramp that extends to only 2 meters height in 2 hours hardworking. Then they said, you see: the experiment has succeeded.

But what if they tried another only additional eight meters of height? In, fact the stone weight will not remain 1 ton. It'll be 1 ton plus its new gravitational weight, which is (1+m*g*h). It means the new stone weight is, (1+1000*10*10/10/1000/2) = (1+5) = 6 tons.
Now they need much more men to raise-up the new weight, which is (6 tons), not only 1 ton! Then what about only additional 20 meters?! or at upper courses of the GP at an altitude of 130 meters for instance?
As one might expect, those who do not agree with the old theories of pyramid construction call the experiment a BIG FAILURE, even using only a 1-ton stone block.

Followers of the new theory also have further stated: Our calculations convinced us that most of the ramp concepts would have been impractical because they involved a construction effort greater than that required for the pyramid itself. We assumed that the ancient Egyptians would not commit resources to building anything more than minimally required given the fact that the ramp had to be demolished at the conclusion of construction.

According to the new theorists: The Lehner-Hawas ramp theory failed to find `any' scientific proof further than faint traces of some small ramps used for labor traffic and water motion control.
Meanwhile, the new Hydraulic Theory of Alsaadawi has not denied evident scientific and archaeological facts. One example only is that archaeologists found more than 10 ships and barges preserved inside `airtight' pits ON TOP of Giza plateau. Some people said that those barges were used by the pharaoh and his inferiors to ride the sunbeam to go to the sky to meet sun-god (ra). Scientifically these boats were used as an integrated part of the massive hydraulic system.

The major reason for rejecting the theory of a ramp was the geographical limitation of the Giza Plateau. All kinds of mathematical estimations and physical evidence proved that it was IMPOSSIBLE to use high ramps in raising-up massive stones of the GP.
In other words, the builders had to wait for the water level to reach the required course, place the stones in the same pace of the water rising, and stop working as soon as the level exceeded the desired level. The next year, they still had to wait idle until the water level reached where they have stopped previously, and race against time again fulfilling the 9-10 courses quota before the water level changed again.

This had to be repeated over several years, until the Nile could not reach the required original height of 481 ft. Then they would proceed by using an engineering system means to `control' waters motion and levels by some well-known hydraulic techniques like the case in shipyards using water locks. In fact, working on GP construction never stopped because of differentiation of inundation power. Raising up was only one small operation of the whole project.

An interesting fact: The stones of the initial 18 courses average 2-6 tons apiece. Starting the 19th course, the stones became huge (10-15 apiece) for the next 203 courses. The rule of logic dictates a progressive diminution of mass as one goes upwards. That's why Hydraulic Theory is believed by some to be the only one that Works.
This would be the real Genius of Khufu and the GP. For this reason 8 major armies failed, in the long history of Egypt, to demolish the GP.




الرسائل الهامة التالية أذيعت على الهواء مباشرة في عام 1999م

على صفحة المناقشات لموقع الجارديان لعلوم المصريات

The following messages were posted in year 1999 on the discussion forum of the Guardian's site for Egyptology:


By Bill on Monday, July 12, 1999 - 01:11 pm:

Different tribes from different regions had their own name(s) for deity or for different aspects of deity. Yahweh, Allah, Brahma, Shango etc. are all various people's names for deity or aspects of deity. This doesn't mean these are literally different ' Gods', only different expressions of divinity given different names. Allah has 99 names. That doesn't mean there are 99 Allah's !

Why is this so hard to grasp? A Christian equivalent would be ' Prince of Peace, Messiah, Good Shepherd, Son of God, Holy Redeemer' etc. Does the trinity make Christians polytheists?

I also remember Ossama noting that Aten worship wasn't seen as monotheism by the Ancient Egyptian priest craft but rather as idolatry since it reduced deity to one thing, the very physical sun. Worshipping an object, even one as majestic and powerful as the sun was still blasphemy !


By Jack Dean (Jdean) on Friday, September 3, 1999 - 04:15 pm:

Greetings All,
I want to comment on the sign Q3. The sign Q3, according to Gardiner's list is a small open square or box.

Ossama says the phone is "f".

Oebix2 (and I imagine others of that persuasion) says the phone is a "p".

To support Ossama's view, please review Champollion's "Table of Hieroglyphic and Demotic Phonetic Signs" that can be found reprinted in page xi of the Introduction to Budge's AN EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPIC DICTIONARY, vol. 1. The table displays the Greek letter and hieroglyphic equivalent. AE sign Q3 equates to the Greek letter "phi". It is understandable how the confusion may have arose. The letter "phi" has the phonetic sound of an "f" and NOT a "p".

To compound the problem, a very similar sign is equated to the Greek letter "pi" which does have a phonetic value of "p". Budge, in his list of the characters (No. 83) on page cxxix, gives it a value of "p".

Maybe we owe Budge the credit for perpetuating this confusion. I don't think this will be the last word on the subject, but if we agree a mistake MIGHT have been made, it is an UNDERSTANDABLE mistake.

Two more nails for the Q3="f" argument:

1. Budge's EHD, vol. 1, page 236 has an entry: Pen-Amen-hetep. Opening sign is Q3. He cites the original form of the month Phamenoth. The "ph" is the "f" sound.

2. Budge's EHD, vol. 1, page 237 has an entry: Penrent. Opening sign is Q3. He cites the original form of the month Pharmuthi. The "ph" is the "f" sound again.

Interested in Egypt


By Jack Dean (Jdean) on Friday, September 3, 1999 - 08:55 pm:

Sir Maftet,
I think you have made some very sound points.

If we can agree that a mistake MIGHT have been made regarding the phonetic value of sign Q3, you may find the following persuasive: The name of the "god" commonly called "Ptah" had the following signs: Q3-X1-V28-A40. The Q3 is treated as a "p", but the Greeks transcribed the name with "phi"-"theta"-"alpha". If we can agree that this is the same sound in words like "philosophy", "philander" and "phonetic", then the sound is definitely an "f". The Greeks may have transliterated the word Q3-X1-V28-A40 something like "f-tha". The common usage places the vowel "a" between the "t" and the "h", while use of the letter "theta" suggests otherwise. Maybe Nitocris will accept the strength of this argument.

Ossama may be kind enough to expand on this view.

Interested in Egypt



By Jack Dean (Jdean) on Saturday, September 4, 1999 - 09:55 pm:


your comments regarding sign O1 is on point.

Everyone should start correcting their dictionaries and ABC's to reading hieroglyphics. Sign O1 is a very common sign as is Q3.

Interest in Egypt & sold on this aspect of Ossama's theory. 



By Sir Maftet on Sunday, September 5, 1999 - 10:35 am:

Hello Ossama.
Some people here do not understand if AE language has survived, but I believe that it has, even if it is not exactly the same because Latin exists today in English as Egyptian exists in Arabic. It is therefore perfectly easy for me to say that I speak Latin, and that you speak Egyptian. Just because a language is given a different name from the country it is spoken in doesn't mean the language has changed!! This is a mistake!! It is just each new society's version of the language through patriotism.

I'm sure you have many more signs to show us to follow the one's already here, so I would very much like to hear more, Ossama.

Sir Maftet


By Jack Dean (Jdean) on Sunday, September 5, 1999 - 10:58 am:

To undecided readers:
The case for sign Q3 equals "f", and not "p", is sound.

O1-D21 is "fr".

Conclusions that Ossama has reached (namely, AE religion is monotheistic, AE language survives in language today, reading hieroglyph's vowel placement is not "pure convention", AE used 5 hidden motorizing letters) are troubling, but knowledge is worth the quest.

Ossama's contribution to Egyptological studies could be very great.

I hope to have the chance to buy his book.

Interested in Egypt


By Avry on Sunday, September 19, 1999 - 07:01 pm:

Ossama is only challenging possible mistakes made over a hundred years ago, and is not politically driven like the "Decipherers of Old".


By Ritva (Ritva) on Wednesday, September 22, 1999 - 05:43 am:

Imy, check out Budge's "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary" vol. 2, page 846.

Seems that X1 was wrongly replaced by U33. => tawakalna.

Ossama is right.
My best


By nic armstrong on Wednesday, September 22, 1999 - 07:37 pm:

Thank you for the replies,
Amen Amen, it is no surprise that this glitch came from Semitic influence, and the corrective changes were made ASAP as Ossama has already mentioned.

Ossama, I wonder if you have a notion about the following:

[F34-F39], as a combined meaning?
Thank you
nic armstrong


By Bleu on Tuesday, June 29, 1999 - 08:08 am:

A lot of the confusion about the glyphs & the language/culture in general comes about because us Westerners have this belief (really an arrogance), that if we don't know it, then it either doesn't exist, is 'lost"/forgotten, or we can guess how the language was spoken, etc....

99 % of all the scholars / historians with published works do NOT have contact with the indigenous people from the Nile Valley who STILL carry on the connection/language & wisdom from their ancestors.

These indigenous people were used from time to time on some famous finds (King Tut, Prof. Fred Windoff's Napta Piya find in '74) but for the most part, these folks are not easily accessible & understanding the politics over in Egypt, it's easy to see why !!! .....

When one hears the medu Netjer spoken, or i should say whispered &/or sung by these indigenous people, most of it is quite different from how scholars & linguists pronounce it.

The research into the language does NOT take into account that these indigenous people STILL speak it, nor does it take into account that there is such a people !!....

Actually, most scholars will say that the indigenous people really DON'T exist, which gives them justification to air their views & theories. I remember being taught such a thing regarding the indigenous people here in America when I was in H.S.....

It took the many indigenous nations here standing up & shouting 'HEY... WE ARE STILL HERE" in the late 60's, '70's to catch our attention to the fact that they never disappeared !!.....

I doubt if we will ever see such a thing along the Nile Valley !!




The following message was posted on the Guardian's Egypt discussion board: 

On Saturday, July 06, 2002 - 11:29 pm, Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Dear Jack,

Thanks for the book’s name. You might remember our discussion here nearly three years ago and how you independently, and so other gentlemen, proved independently that:

[Q3] = ph = f, together with other mistakes.

In any written language it is impossible to translate any words correctly if one is not able to read its ‘elementary’ alphabets correctly.

Please, imagine an Egyptian man who reads the English (L) as ‘th’, the English (z) as ‘f’ and the English (f) as ‘p’. Then you ask him to ‘read’ English words and translate it!! Then he came to you and said ‘I have translated all works of Shakespeare’! Do you trust his translations?

For example, he will read (play) as ‘pthay’. But there is no ‘pthay’ in any known language, so he will guess what it means and says ‘O I got it’ it means ‘crocodile’!

Things don’t go that way. We MUST read Egyptian basic phonemes correctly first, then we MUST decipher all other Hieroglyphs correctly then after all that we start to translate words then texts.

We can’t read ‘ftH’ as ‘ptH’, why? Because, myself being Egyptian, I read ‘ptH’ for more than 15 years and I simply couldn’t know what it means or what is the wisdom behind it. Even Egyptologists differ about its different meanings! But when I realized that it reads actually as ‘ftH’ I realized at once, being an Egyptian, ALL what it means without checking any further documents.

It is exactly like when you read an English word ‘sape’ and I spend five years to convince you that it means ‘love’ then you discover that it reads actually as ‘save’!

This holds true for other thousands of Egyptian words. If we insist to read and write Egyptian words wrongly then it is our own problem, we lose our merit and the AE’s are quite sure that their valuable texts have not been read yet!

Ossama Alsaadawi



Mostly, the sound of ignorance wins:

For long years I have been subjected to wild attacks and despising insults to my person from some ignorant people because I widely uncovered and explained the relevant and firm relation between phonations of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs and the Arabic utterance of words. Now, we find those same people advice other Egyptologists to profoundly study the Arabic language if they wish to be good and specialized Egyptologists. Immorally, they claim that they got this upshot and conclusion due to their personal research work in the field of Egyptian Hieroglyphs! Gentlemen, I have no further comment!

Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi

Egypt, July 2, 2005

<see Alsaadawi Dictionary of Egyptian Hieroglyphs >

< see Alsaadawi deciphering of Ancient Egyptian pictures >

< see Alsaadawi Vocabulary for Egyptian Hieroglyphic Words >




الرسالة التالية أرسلت إلى منتدى المعماري بتاريخ 15 أكتوبر 2005م

مشكور اخي ( المعماري ) مشرف القسم علي نشر هذه الرسالة

لقد قمت بالدخول علي الموقع المذكور ( ) وقمت بتصفحه ولقد وجدت فيه من معلومات ما
قد تغير كتب التاريخ التي نقوم بدراستها جميعا لقد خدعنا الغرب عندما قام شامبيلون بفك حجر رشيد وقدم لنا
الترجمة الخاصة به ونحن بدون اي مراجعة منا او محاولة بعد ذلك لاثبات هل هذه الترجمة صحيحة ام خاطئة وقفنا
وفرحنا بما قدمه لنا .... والان وبعد هذه السنين الطوال التي تعيشها الحضارة المصرية الفرعونية القديمة تحت ظلم
ترجمة شامبليون اتي الينا الدكتور اسامة السعداوي وازاح الغطاء عن الترجمة الصحيحة ......
وكل ما اتمناه ان نعطي لانفسنا الفرصة والوقت لدراسة ما يكتبه لنا هذا الدكتور ونناقشه فيه بدون تعصب او احتداء
لعلنا نتعلم كيف نقرأ هذه النقوش الفرعونية لكي نتعلم ماذا ترك لنا اجدانا عل الجدران ......... فمن المؤكد ان
اجدامنا لم يتحملوا عناء النقش علي الجدران من اجل ان يتركوا لنا هذه الكلام الفارغ الذي ترجمه لنا علماء
المصريات الاجانب .... ارجو من سيادتكم اتاحة الفرصة لمزيدا من المناقشة حول هذه الموضوع

فكم من شعوب ظلمت بسبب المستشرقين ونحن في غفلة عما يدار حولنا ............... وكم من رجال يحاربوا في
هذه الدنيا من اجل اثبات الحقيقة

مصــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــر الحضـــــــــارة والســــــــــــــــــلام




الرسالة التالية وردت من الجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة

 The American University in Cairo

University Library

القاهرة في 4 فبراير 1999

السيد د. مهندس / أسامة السعداوي

تحية طيبة وبعد ..

تتقدم هيئة مكتبة الجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة لسيادتكم بوافر الشكر لتفضلكم بإهدائها مطبوعاتكم القيمة , والتي سوف تكون إثراء كبيرا لمقتنيات المكتبة والتي سوف يستخدمها الدارسين والباحثين في هذا المجال من العلم.

ولكم منا كل تقدير واحترام ..

نصيف يوسف

رئيس قسم تنمية المجموعات العربية




الرسالة التالية وردت من جامعة القاهرة

 جامعة القاهرة

السيد د. مهندس / أسامة إسماعيل السعداوي

تحية طيبة وبعد ..

يسرني أن أعرب لسيادتكم عن شكري وتقديري لإهدائكم المكتبة المركزية لجامعة القاهرة نسخة من مؤلفكم القيم :-

اللغة الفرعونية بعيون مصرية

ونحن إذ نسجل شكرنا على هذا الإهداء الكريم .. نتمنى لسيادتكم مزيدا من التوفيق.

وتفضلوا بقبول فائق الإحترام ..

سمير الألفي

مدير عام المكتبات الجامعية

9 أغسطس 1999م



الرسالة التالية وردت من الهيئة العامة لدار الكتب والوثائق القومية

 وزارة الثقافة

الهيئة العامة لدار الكتب والوثائق القومية

القاهرة في 31 يناير 1999م

المصنفات المهداة .. سر الفراعنة وعلم الفلك

السيد د. مهندس / أسامة السعداوي

تحية طيبة وبعد ..

فقد تسلمت الهيئة العامة لدار الكتب والوثائق القومية المصنفات الموضحة بعاليه والتي تفضلتم بإهدائها إليها.

ويسر دار الكتب أن تغتنم هذه المناسبة لتعرب لسيادتكم عن جزيل الشكر والتقدير لهذا الإهداء الكريم .

وتفضلوا بقبول فائق الإحترام ...

ليلى إبراهيم حميدة

رئيس الإدارة المركزية

لشئون دار الكتب القومية




الرسالة التالية وردت من مدينة أسيوط

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السيد الدكتور / أسامة السعداوي

تحية طيبة وبعد

لقد حضرت لسيادتكم محاضرة في أسيوط ولقد كنت سيادتك متواضعا جدا في تقديم نفسك , .. , نشكرك أنا وزملائي على إهدائك لنا كتبك القيمة عن اللغة المصرية القديمة.

خلاف يونس وهمان الطحاوي

أسيوط - أبنوب - المعابدة الغربية - عزبة محمد خليل

28 يناير 2000م




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